Heart disease is a term for any structural or functional abnormality affecting the heart, or of the blood vessels supplying the heart. Here you will find a collection of web sites which provide information on the different conditions, diseases, and disorders which directly, or indirectly, contribute to heart disease.
Recommended Resources
Heart Failure Society of America
The Heart Failure Society of America provides free patient education materials. Web site includes education modules, as well as current news.
Presents information to patients who are being evaluated and treated for heart-related problems. Web site information is reviewed by physicians to ensure accuracy.
HeartPoint is an invaluable web site for comprehensive patient information and education resources; with healthy eating tips, and healthcare topics.
The Hope Heart Institute is a non-profit organization which provides information about its fundraising efforts, as well as details about the latest research.
The National Coalition for Women with heart disease. Providing information and resources related to cardiac health, coronary disease and preventing heart attacks.
Learn about World Heart Day which was created by the World Heart Federation, a non-profit organization with a mandate to provide research information to concerned heart patients.