Listings of webstites about education programs, references and publications for the health professions including acupuncture, medical education, surgery and more are corralled here.
Recommended Resources
ADVANCE for Respiratory Care Practitioners
Provides an interactive version of the current issue of this magazine. The website also provides product info, education/events, career opportunities and a community where users can post blogs or join in forums.
Provides the health care industry with access to exclusive content from various health care magazines and websites. Includes health care job boards, education programs and upcoming events, job fair schedules, and a community index.
American Journal of Health Promotion
Health journal dedicated to the concept of health promotion. Past articles can be searched by keyword, topic word, author's name, and volume and issue.
American Journal of Public Health
Peer reviewed research journal dedicated to public health and policy. Past articles have considered the health of minorities, mental disorders, HIV prevention services and other topics.
Online and printed medical journal, has a wide variety of articles on medical topics including original research. Covers diseases such as cancer and malaria, as well as medical education resources. Subscribe to the BMJ and access back issues through this website.
Provides a comprehensive resource for pursuing continuing medical educaiton. Carries over 75 titles across 30-plus medical specialties. Provides complimentary access to CMECentral, a comprehensive continuing education management system.
The Doctor Corner website provides information on how to find a doctor in California and how to become an accredited physician. The website also has general articles on medical conditions like diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure and heart attacks. You can also learn about travel health here to make your next trip is safe.
Provides online journals, textbooks, drug reference and other publications geared towards the health care industry. Covers dentistry, medicine, nursing, veterinary, and other health professions.
Free Medical Journals is a fantastic research resource that provides access to free medical journals in several languages including Turkish, English, French and German. You can also find out about the year's most important medical articles here. With more than four hundred journals, this is a good place to start your medical research.
The Health Communication Network provides current patient information on a variety of subjects, including diet, nutrition, disease and disorders.
Oxford University's prestigious journal of Health Education Research. Browse the current issue, view the archives, subscribe and more.
Resource for up-to-date information on various health diseases and conditions. Covers injuries, nutrition, poisons, surgeries, symptoms, test and other relevant topics.
Provides health articles and podcasts to help you stay informed about illnesses like cancer, Crohn's disease, arthritis, allergies, ADHD and asthma. The website also provides information on medical fundraisers. You can also use this website to search for a doctor by zip code.
This website explains the codes of conduct that health professionals have to abide by to publish medical articles. Medical authors should be authoritative, respect the privacy of patients, disclose the funding sources, justify their studies and more.
Journal of Environmental Health
Peer reviewed journal dedicated to the field of environmental health. Published ten times a year, the journal has explored the health effects of lead, water wells and water management.
Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives
Academic journal that explores issues of health communications. Interested authors can find detailed instructions on how to prepare manuscripts for consideration.
Journal of the American Medical Association
Contains articles on a variety of medical subjects such as cancer risk, complex systems, and other subjects. Medical authors can also submit articles to the Journal through this website. The Journal has topic collections on everything from drug therapy to emergency medicine.
MEO serves as an online forum for communicating information on subjects relating to the education of physicians and other health professionals, publishing peer-reviewed articles on a variety of aspects of medical education, letters to the editor, and curricula, data sets, syllabi, software, and instructional material. Guidelines are provided for submissions, subscriptions, reviews, and other policy matters.
Medical Journal of Australia (MJA)
Authoritative publication that covers a variety of medical concerns including research. Includes classifieds, publications, clinical guidelines, book reviews and article submission guidelines.
Covers the latest developments in the medical and health care industries. Includes medical meeting coverage, surveys, multimedia section, state CME requirements, CME tracker, and other resources.
Online Journal of Health Ethics
Peer reviewed journal dedicated to the topic of health ethics. Recent topics include the status of bioethics, hospices, the stem cell research debate and physical education.
Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR)
PDR membership benefits include access to current news, journal reprints, FDA approved product labeling, drug alerts, clinical procedures, patient guides and info about diseases. Access to the PDR portal is free to certain US-based MDs and professionals.
Features a medical research resource that provides free access to a variety of medical journals. Provided by the US National Institutes of Health, this website provides an easy way to search many different medical journals at the same time.
Contains educational materials for those preparing for undergraduate and postgraduate surgical examinations, including clinical tutorials, a journal club, multiple choice questions, revision notes, a slide library, discussion group and other resources.
Showcases a line of software designed to assist in teaching, learning, practice and research, particularly in the area of drug calculations. Included are drug calculations for health professionals and a test creator, and a drug calculations quiz club.
Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics
Academic journal that examines the issues of health policy, law and ethics. The journal has published articles on health insurance, health research, organ transplant and medical malpractice.