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Past life regression therapy uses hypnosis to explore an individual's past life, with the idea that fears or phobias suffered by an individual are related to traumas experienced during a past life.

Deemed unscientific by mainstream Western medical practitioners, past life regression has become popular as an alternative therapy.

The theory is that every individual has a purpose that continues beyond their current existence and that things that took place during a past life can result in unresolved issues to be dealt with in the current life. Hypnosis is used to assist the individual in connecting to his or her past life to resolve these issues, which might present as anxiety, compulsions, depression, troublesome habits, nightmares, phobias, or others. Choices made during a past life, unfulfilled promises, and other actions from a previous life can affect the individual's current life.

By simply accepting the idea of reincarnation, people can sometimes view their current problems in a more accessible light.

Past life regression is sometimes undertaken as a spiritual experience, but most often, it takes place in a psychotherapeutic setting designed to uncover repressed memories of past lives with the intention of resolving them.

Past life regression is a way of allowing individuals to see who they might have been in a past life, particularly with the belief that by knowing your past life, information can be revealed that can help heal current problems. During the process, individuals might learn the roots of their fears and phobias, and identify the source of their physical people, places, or things.

Hypnotherapy is The most common method used in past life regression. During a session, a qualified therapist will use hypnosis or guided imagery to direct the patient to their past life, using a method similar to that used in recovered memory therapy. Some psychotherapists are trained in hypnosis and past life regression, but not all. Hypnotherapists are, of course, trained hypnotists, but not every hypnotherapist can perform life regression therapy.

Some areas have regression circles. They can be compared to support groups. Usually, they are overseen by a skilled professional, but members of the circle carry out sessions on other members.

Some websites offer past life regression therapy online, but these may or may not be valid, and some are likely fake.

There are New Age do-it-yourself books that offer ideas for performing your own past life regression, and recorded scripts can be downloaded and used as a hypnotic instruction.

Other methods for gaining access to past life memories include automatic writing, mirror-gazing, and self-hypnosis.

Supporters of past life regression therapy argue that the technique can help individuals gain a better understanding of their current relationships and habits. By discovering the individuals and experiences that have played a significant role in their past lives, individuals can learn important things about their lives today.

Through past life regression, individuals can discover the source of fears or phobias that wouldn't otherwise make sense to them.

By learning more about where they have been and what they have experienced in a past life, individuals can gain insight into the decisions they have made in the present. With knowledge of the people they have met, their experiences, and events that took place in a past life, there may be a sense of closure.

Skeptics within the medical and mental health communities argue that past life regression is unethical due to the lack of scientifically valid evidence supporting its claims. Additionally, they argue that the methodology renders the participant vulnerable and susceptible to the implantation of false memories. In essence, it is suggested that past lives are likely false memories implanted through the susceptibility of the hypnotic method.





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