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Also known as a virtual environment or abbreviated VR, virtual reality refers to an artificial environment brought about through sensory stimuli provided by a computer, and in which one's actions partially determine what occurs in the environment.

The technology used to create a virtual reality is also known as virtual reality.

VR uses computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that the user can explore and manipulate while experiencing it as if he were in that world. In a VR experience, three-dimensional images appear to be life-sized from the perspective of the user, and the technology tracks the user's motions, particularly head and eye movements, correspondingly adjusting images on the user's display to reflect the change in perspective, while the user experiences the sensation of immersion in the artificial environment.

Currently, virtual reality is used in video games and other entertainment purposes, as well as military and medical training.

Virtual reality headsets are often used to generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that create the virtual environment, but it may also be created through specially designed rooms with multiple large screens.

Besides gaming, virtual reality is used in health care to teach diagnosis and treatment, even surgical procedures. A form of virtual reality therapy is used to help stroke and brain injury patients regain motor and cognitive functions, using virtual exercises and real-time feedback that feels like games, helping to motivate patients to practice everyday activities.

NASA uses VR technology to control robots on Mars, as well as providing astronauts with a way to relieve stress. Researchers are also using virtual reality to simulate a walk on Mars to prepare astronauts for a potential human landing on that planet.

Work is underway to allow visitors to experience famous museums remotely, using virtual reality technology. The American Museum of Natural History in New York City made some of its collections virtually accessible last year. Anyone with a smartphone and a Cardboard VR headset can tour the museum remotely.

The Ford Motor Company is using virtual reality to simulate new automobile designs before they have been manufactured, allowing designers and engineers to inspect various elements of the proposed vehicle, spotting potential problems before the vehicle has been produced. Virtual reality is also being used to teach teens about the dangers of distracted driving.

It has yet to be introduced into an American courtroom, but the technology exists for jury members to view crime scenes in 3D rather than through two-dimensional photographs and charts.

As mentioned earlier, the US military uses virtual reality to train soldiers before they are deployed, including the use of non-commercial versions of games like Virtual Battlespace 2 and Unity 3D, which allow soldiers to practice working together in realistic scenarios.

Of course, there are several other situations in which virtual reality may be used, and there are sure to be more in the future. The focus of this category is virtual reality. Any website focused on VR technology is appropriate for this category.



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