Aviva Directory » Computers & Internet » Programming » Lisp

The focus of this category is on the family of computer programming languages known as Lisp.

Originally written as LISP, with all caps, its name was later changed to avoid confusion with Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol, which is not a programming language.

Created in 1958, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in widespread use, after Fortran. John McCarthy is credited with developing the language while he was with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and it was first implemented by Steve Russell on an IBM-704 computer, creating a Lisp interpreter that could be used to run Lisp programs. The first complete Lisp compiler was implemented in 1962, also at MIT.

Lisp proved to be difficult to implement on the general-purpose computers of the 1970s, which led to the creation of specialized Lisp machines, with dedicated hardware designed for running Lisp environments and programs.

Lisp is particularly suitable for artificial intelligence programs because it processes symbolic information efficiently.

During the 1970s and 1980s, there were several projects to implement new Lisp dialects. In an attempt to unify the work of these implementation groups, Common Lisp was created. Still very much in use, Common Lisp serves as a common language that can be easily extended for specific implementations. Programs written in Common Lisp are not dependent on machine-specific characteristics, such as word length.

Nevertheless, there are other implementations of the language.

CLISP is a GNU implementation of Common Lisp that was originally developed for the Atari in 1987. Today, it supports Unix and Microsoft Windows platforms. Written in C and Common Lisp, it is available under the GNU General Public License.

Today, the most well-known Lisp dialects are Common Lisp, Clojure, and Scheme. Others include, or have included, Arc, AutoLISP, Emacs Lisp, EuLisp, Franz Lisp, Hy, Interlisp, ISLISP, LeLisp, LFE, Maclisp, MDL, newLISP, NIL, Picolisp, Portable Standard Lisp, Racket, RPL, Shen, SKILL, Spice Lisp, and Zetalisp.

Topics related to the Lisp programming language or any of its dialects are appropriate for this category. Any, such as Common Lisp, Clojure, or Scheme, for which we have enough websites, may be placed in a subcategory.




Common Lisp

Emacs Lisp

Hy (language)





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