Designed and developed by Microsoft, C# is pronounced as C Sharp. Originating from the C family of programming languages, it is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm language developed in 2000.
The language has been compared to Java, which probably influenced the language in its early development. However, the two languages have evolved under divergent trajectories, and are much less similar today than they were in the early 2000s. There are also similarities in the code of C# and C++, which should not be surprising, given that both are in the C family of programming languages.
Perhaps because C# is a Microsoft created language, it runs best on a Windows machine, where it is supported within Visual Studio and the Microsoft .NET framework, while its support for the macOS and Linux is comparatively thin.
C# is a managed language, in that it requires the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) in order to execute. When a program written in C# executes, the CLS manages the memory, performs the garbage collection, handles exceptions, and other tasks. Because C# requires the CLR, C# programmers must have the CLR installed on their system. Every recent Windows OS ships with a version of the CLR, and it is available as an update for older systems. The CLR is part of Microsoft .NET, so it will include both the CLR and .NET Framework class library.
Topics related to the C# programming language are the focus of sites listed in this category, which may include those offering C# compilers, tutorials, and user forums.
Recommended Resources
Headquartered in Philadelphia, the C# Corner is an online community of software developers, who publish news and articles on software development topics, share their knowledge and network through published content, online forums, and chapters. Monthly events, webinars, and conference are also sponsored, and tools are available for career growth, such as career advice, resume writing, training, certifications, books, whitepapers, and videos. Its board, moderators and team are introduced.
Offering straightforward code examples suitable for copying and pasting, as needed, recent examples are highlighted, while others are sorted by C# interactive examples, fundamental .NET classes, string formatting, files and folders, XML, reflection, LINQ, network and socket, threading, Windows forms, Windows services, printing, arrays and collections, conversions, and ADO.NET. Multiple examples of code for accomplishing each is provided.
Serving the C# .NET developer community, the online discussion forum may be read by anyone, although participation requires registration and login. Scheduled topics include Visual Studio .NET, the C# programming language, ASP.NET, mobile development, databases, components and controls, recommended books, job topics, and general programmer talks, such as articles of interest, intellectual property discussion, forum feedback, and testing code.
Hosted on the Microsoft site, the C# Guide provides several resources about the programming language, intended for those who are new for program development, developers who are new to the language, and for experienced C# developers. The guide is divided into several sections, which may be read in order, or the user can jump to areas of interest. While some sections are focused on the language, others offer end-to-end scenarios that demonstrate types of programs that can be created.
Boasting thousands of subscribers, the site includes several live and nearly a thousand archived articles on various topics related to C# programming, including beginner and advanced tutorials, and how to program various functions within the language. Articles are sorted by date, with the most recent ones on top. A search field allows users to search the database. Those with expertise in the C# programming language are encouraged to submit columns for the site.
Intended for people interested in learning to program with the C# programming language, the site offers articles, tutorials, and links to additional resources. Its articles section is focused on how to apply the language to Microsoft .NET application development, and its tutorial section is an ongoing project to provide an introduction to the C# programming language. An ADO.NET tutorial is including, showing how to learn to use the language to work with SQL Server.
The site consists of nearly a hundred articles on various aspects of programming with the C# language, including the most important concepts. Intended primarily for those who are new to C# programming, each of its chapters should be completed in order, as some chapters reference information covered in previous chapters. Some sections are available in German, Portuguese, or other languages other than English. The entire tutorial may be downloaded in PDF format.
The programming tutorial teaches C# programming, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Entity Framework, Razor Syntax, ADO.NET, SQL, and other components. Its tutorial on C# includes getting started, variables and datatypes, operators, conditional constructs, statements, loop constructs, encapsulation and abstraction, function or method, parameter, array, exception handling, constructors and destructors, file handling, inheritance, delegates and events, polymorphism, and generics.
C# is a language for professional programming, designed for building enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. Visual C# developers can leverage their C, C++, and Java skills to be successful in the Microsoft .NET environment. The site offers an overview of each of these, with comparisons, sample programs, command-line tools, command-line arguments, tutorials on the C# language, statements, graphical user interface, collections, strings, and operations.