Aviva Directory » Computers & Internet » Internet » Searching » Internet Directories » Directory of Directories

A directory of directories is what its name implies - a website that lists web directories.

Used by webmasters and others looking for Internet directories, a directory of directories might list other directories alphabetically or it may rank them in some other manner. Like the directories themselves, listed directories may be sorted into categories, separating general directories, blog directories, forum directories, local or regional directories, or other niche directories, for the purpose of making it easier for users to find the type of directory they are looking for.

Given that a directory of directories is likely to be a much smaller directory than a general directory, it might be assembled in straight HTML, or use a blog software or some other platform, but many of them use directory scripts, such as those used by the directories they list.

The focus of this category is on directories of directories. In a sense, then, it might be considered a directory of directories of directories. Web directory review sites would also be appropriate for this category.



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