Retail associations and organizations intended to advocate for, or advance the retail industries, are listed in this category.
Recommended Resources
American Booksellers Association
Represents an industry group for those who sell books in the United States. The site's most useful feature is the "Find a Local Independent Bookstore," that helps you find a small book business in your community. The site also has forums where book sellers can share ideas.
Association for Christian Retail
CBA is a membership association of Christian retailers, primarily owners of Christian bookstores throughout the United States. Its site offers membership details, resources, and schedules of shows and events.
Formerly the American Specialty Manufacturers Association, and then the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the CBA is a US trade association for manufacturers of consumer packaged goods. Representing companies that produce food, beverages, household, and personal care products, the CBA represents nearly 2,000 brands. Member benefits, types of memberships, and a membership list are provided, along with its research projects, events, and educational programs.
The global organization of consumer goods companies was formed in 2009 and is headquartered in Paris, with regional offices in Washington, D.C., and Tokyo. Its issues include encouraging forests, collaboration for healthier lives, human rights, the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI), the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), and reducing plastic and food waste. Its initiatives, coalitions, projects, and events are highlighted, and membership information and contacts are provided.
Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA)
Trade organization for retailers and other businesses who employ mystery shoppers exhibits information about the association, careers, upcoming events, and how to avoid scams and fraud.
The NRF is a retail trade association made up of all retail formats and channels of distribution, charged with advancing and protecting the interests of the retail industry and to help retailers achieve excellence in all areas of their business. Its site offers industry information, news and reports.