Includes links to organizations which support and offer resources about digital content and interactive media.
Recommended Resources
The British Interactive Media Association is a non-profit organization raising the standards of new media through education and related resources.
A non-profit organization supporting the development of digital content in Canada's new media and online industries.
The Digital Content Forum, is a non-profit organization conducting policy research for digital and other new media.
The European Digital Media Association is a non-profit organization concerned with the development of digital media, specifically online media in the European Union.
The European Multimedia Forum is a non-profit organization concerned with dynamic multimedia content and related new media technologies.
The International Center for New Media, is a non-profit organization concerned with the development of new media industries in Europe and around the world.
A non-profit organization concerned with the development of the internet and other new media around the world.
A non-profit organization concerned with the exploitation of new media software, such as Skype, around the world.
New Media British Columbia is a non-profit organization with a mandate to promote new media throughout the province, Canada, and around the world.
The New Media Consortium, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research, development, and use of new media and new technologies.
New Media Knowledge provides information and other resources concerning digital and online media and the economy.
The Society for New Communications Research, is a non-profit organization concerned with the latest developments in new media and online communications.
A non-profit organization concerned with the development with new media and online communications benefiting our collective social, political and economic lives.