The Canonical List of Online Color Resources for Designers
Available in English and Spanish, this flash presentation presents an animated, interactive demonstration of the symbolism and emotions associated with various colors, including the best uses of these colors.
Color theory, color combinations, color physics, and the use of colors on web pages are discussed, and a color wheel allows users to test out what they have learned. Other tools include color names, a color wizard, and a color scheme tool.
This online toolbox permits users to work with palettes in a variety of ways, creating, managing and evaluating color palettes for use in graphic or web designs. Registered users may unlock further features.
The Kuler color wheel allows users to experiment with various color combinations. With an Adobe ID, users can save resulting themes to the site or get ideas from browsing pre-created themes.
This web page design tool can be used to create color combinations and to visualize them, in order to determine which work well together. Several options are available, including randomized palettes.
Color palettes may be browsed, created, adjusted, mixed, or blended, then viewed in 3D. Users registered, using a Google account, may save their color palettes or share them with others.
This color palette will create ten shades of the base color, which is whatever color is set at the top-left, at varying degrees of opacity. The top row simulates opacity over a white background, while the bottom row emulated opacity over a black, or another chosen color.
For the purpose of selecting a palette for web design, a color choice may be made from the color palette, or by entering a hexadecimal value representing the color, and it will be shown in the box to the right.
This color wheel and palette selector includes several options for the harmony and vision of the palette, with options for a spectrum selection, as well as web smart, and web safe selections.
This color palette generator will suggest color palettes to complement an image, which is uploaded to the site.
With this tool, an image may be uploaded, or referred to by URL, and a light color palette, medium color palette, dark color palette, and complete color palette will be recommended to complement the image.
Photographs or images may be uploaded to the gallery, public or private, and the tool will generate a palette of colors that will complement the image, with several options available, including basic, advanced, or from a photograph.
With this tool, a preferred color is chosen using the color picker, and a six-color matching palette will be automatically calculated. Registered users may save blends to their account.
When the URL of any online image is entered into this tool, the system will disclose the most used colors from that image, so that complementary design colors may be chosen.
HTML Background Color Selector
This tool allows the user to set colors for backgrounds, document text, new links, active links, and visited links, and to visualize the results in preview mode. A background texture may also be set.
ColorMatch Remix Color Scheme Tool
This color scheme tool shows nine colors that will work well together, along with a preview window showing what it will look like on a web page. Color schemes may be saved or exported.
Complete HTML True Color Chart
In this color chart, intended for web design, the background color in each cell matches the color code shown. A printable version is also available.
RGB to Color Name Mapping (Triplet and Hex)
In this tool, the color table has been divided into shades, and shows the color name, credits, RGB Dec, RGB Hex, CSS Hex, and background/foreground color samples.
Color Combinations and Color Schemes
The focus of this site is on its Combo Tester, which allows web designers to see how color combinations work together on the screen. Popular color tags, popular colors, and sample color combinations are included.
Using a database of approximately ten million Creative Commons images on Flickr, this color search engine will display images using any color selected from the color palette, which may be used for inspiration or
Useful for borders, gradients, and other design purposes, the tool will help designers find variations of any color. Random colors may also be chosen.
Based on algorithms suggested by the World Wide Web Consortium, this tool checks foreground and background color combinations of all document object model elements, and determines whether they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone with a color deficit.
ColorZilla for Firefox and Chrome is an add-on that helps graphic and web designers with various color-related tasks, offering a color reading from any point in your browser, adjust this color, and paste it into another program. Also included is an online CSS gradient generator.
A variety of color schemes were generated by analyzing images in the Yahoo Image API, taking five related images and showing the most prominent six colors from each image.
This tool is designed to emulate basic music theory principles to produce a harmonious color scheme, and balanced color sets.
This site provides information and services related to color technology, including informational texts and a variety of color tools, including a color calculator, a tool convert RGB values to commercial tints, and to produce color harmonies.