Intelligent design is a scientific theory asserting that physical and biological systems observed in the universe are the result of purposeful design by an intelligent being rather than by chance, or through undirected natural processes such as evolution.
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Does the Theory of Evolution Explain the Origin of Life?
While conceding that the theory of evolution does a good job of explaining how life adapts and changes with time, an argument is made over whether it adequately explains the origin of life itself, and offers intelligent design as a more satisfactory alternative.
Institute for Creation Research
The mandate of the ICR is to equip believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy through scientific research, educational programs, and media presentations. Its history, location, and graduate school are described here. Daily science updates, evidence for creation, and other resources are also available.
Origins focuses primarily on the scientific theory of intelligent design, reaching the conclusion that the universe and life show verifiable signs of intelligent creation. A variety of resources are included here, some dealing exclusively with scientific data, others taking a position that the data supports the biblical claims of divine creation.
Serving the intelligent design community, Uncommon Descent holds that materialistic ideology has corrupted the actual content of science so far as the study of biological and cosmological origins are concerned, and that this materialistic worldview is undermining genuine scientific inquiry.