Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Nebraska » Cities & Towns » Norfolk

The city of Norfolk, in Madison County, Nebraska, is northwest of Omaha and west of Sioux City, at the intersection of US Routes 81 and 275. The community was settled around 1865 by German Lutherans, who came from Ixonia, Wisconsin to claim farmland under the Homestead Act. They chose an area at the junction of the Elkhorn River and the North Fork of the Elkhorn, at the southern terminus of the Cowboy Trail. The original name for the town was a variation of North Fork, but when it was submitted to postal authorities, it was recorded as Norfolk. Norfolk was named the county seat in 1867, but was later replaced by Madison. Johnny Carson moved to Norfolk with his family at the age of eight, and graduated from Norfolk High School.


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